

Flexitarianism is the latest trend. A flexitarian is in fact a modern-day omnivore. A flexitarian eats food of both animal and plant origin but in a more rational way. He reduces his meat consumption or chooses high-quality meat: certified, local, ethical, etc… He doesn’t miss out on quality or on enjoying food.

How does Maison Riviere fit in with the flexitarian approach? In our meat division, we have launched a range of ready meals with side dishes, with the emphasis on the meat origin:

  • “Label Rouge” chicken, Parisienne potatoes, lemon and zest sauce
  • Blonde d’Aquitaine beef, Mogette beans from the Vendée and two-mustard sauce
  • Blonde d’Aquitaine beef, baby vegetables and Madiran wine sauce
  • Pork from the South-West, Parisienne potatoes and Corbières white wine sauce

All our cassoulets are also of French origin with French duck meat and Toulouse sausage made in our kitchens and 100% French haricot beans.

But to provide an even fuller response to the flexitarian trend, Maison Riviere has broadened its range of vegetables and now offers complete, 100% vegetarian 100% delicious dishes. These tasty, complete meals can be heated in the microwave for a quick, enjoyable lunch.

Savoury cheesecake with tzatziki-style cucumber


  • For 4 people


  • Preparation 1hr15
  • Resting time 12hr


  • 100g of savoury biscuits
  • 50g of melted butter
  • 200g of Maison Riviere tzatziki-style cucumber
  • Dipping sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • 10 cl of single cream
  • 1 bunch of chives
  • 2 sheets of gelatine
  • Salt, pepper


  1. Crush the savoury biscuits to a powder.
  2. Mix them in a bowl with the melted butter to obtain a gritty paste.
  3. Use the paste to line the bottom of a mould covered with greaseproof paper.
  4. Store in the fridge while you prepare the tzatziki filling.
  5. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C.
  6. Soften the sheets of gelatine in a bowl of cold water.
  7. Heat the single cream in a pan. When the cream starts to boil, take it off the heat and add the gelatine, having first dried it.
  8. Mix the 200g of Maison Riviere tzatziki-style cucumber dipping sauce, the eggs, the chives, the single cream, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  9. Spread the mix over the gritty paste in the mould.
  10. Place the cheesecake in the oven for about 1 hour.
  11. Leave the cheesecake in the fridge for at least 12 hours.
  12. Remove from the mould and serve well chilled.

Savoury Panna Cotta with black and green olive tapenade


  • For 4 people


  • Preparation 25 minutes
  • Resting time 4hr


  • 3 sheets of gelatine
  • 60 cl of full-fat single cream
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière black olive tapenade
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière green olive tapenade


  1. Soften the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water.
  2. Heat the whole single cream in a pan. When it starts to boil, take it off the heat and add the gelatine, having first dried it.
  3. Tous les produits de la gamme tartinables peuvent être utilisé pour donner des couleurs à votre plateau apéritif !
  4. Divide the cream equally between 2 bowls. In the first one, mix in the 90 g of Maison Riviere black olive tapenade; then mix the 90 g of Maison Riviere green olive tapenade in the second.
  5. Pour the mixes into verrines. Place in the fridge for 4 hours.
  6. Serve with a tomato and basil coulis.

Goose and duck fat


As with all fats, goose and duck fat should be enjoyed in moderation.

However, they are considered to be “good” fats because they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. In fact, they contain less than olive oil but more than butter

These monounsaturated fatty acids have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and epidemiological research has shown that, in the South-West where these fats are eaten regularly, the inhabitants were better protected against cardiovascular diseases. In addition, although cholesterol levels are also higher in the region, these mainly concern “good” cholesterol.


You can use goose fat to cook fried potatoes, sauted vegetables and meat, or even for making cakes.

Assorted aperitifs toasts


  • For 4/6 people


  • Preparation 15 minutes


  • Slices of sandwich bread
  • 100g of parmesan
  • 2 slices of ham
  • A few sprigs of dill
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière sundried tomato delight
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière black and/or green olive tapenade
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière aubergine caviar


  1. Pre-heat the oven then bake the slices of sandwich bread. Cut the slices into squares of equal size and lay them out on a tray.
  2. Spread the first row of the bread squares with Maison Rivière sundried tomato delight then place pieces of parmesan on top. Carefully add a sprig of dill for decoration.
  3. Spread the second row with Maison Rivière black and/or green olive tapenade.
  4. Finally, spread the last row with Maison Rivière aubergine caviar and lay slices of cooked ham on top.
  5. Serve chilled as an aperitif with family or friends!

Chicken wrap


  • For 4 people


  • Preparation 10 minutes


  • 4 wheat tortillas
  • 400g of fine slivers of chicken
  • 400g of lettuce
  • 1 tomato
  • Salt and pepper
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière red pepper delight


  1. Spread the tortillas with the Maison Rivière red pepper delight then cut the tomato into thin slices
  2. Then lay the lettuce, the chicken slivers and the tomato slices out on the tortillas
  3. Add salt and pepper
  4. Roll them up firmly and place them in the fridge.

Aubergine caviar tart


  • For 5/6 people


  • Preparation 15 minutes
  • Cooking 30 minutes


  • 1 roll of puff pastry
  • 6 tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière aubergine caviar


  1. Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6-7/200°.
  2. Lay out the puff pastry on a dish and use a fork to make holes in it
  3. Cover the centre of the pastry with the Maison Rivière aubergine caviar.
  4. Slice the tomatoes and place them on top of the aubergine caviar. Add salt and pepper.
  5. Add the garlic and the Herbes de Provence to enhance the flavour of the tart.
  6. Put the tart in the oven for 30 minutes.

Sundried tomato and sweet pepper risotto


  • For 4 people


  • Preparation 10 minutes
  • Cooking 10 minutes


  • 200g of rice
  • 50g of grated cheese
  • 800ml of vegetable stock
  • 1 glass of dry white wine
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Garlic and shallots
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière red pepper delight


  1. Mix some garlic and shallots in a salad bowl then add the Maison Rivière red pepper delight and the drained sundried tomatoes.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan. Stir in the rice until the edges of the grains become slightly transparentdans les bords des grains de riz. Then stir in a dessertspoonful of garlic.
  3. Add the mix prepared earlier to the rice and pour in the white wine. While the wine is being absorbed, heat 800 ml of water with 1 stock cube in a pan. Add a ladleful of stock to the rice and wait for the liquid to be absorbed
  4. Leave to cook for twenty minutes on a low heat, adding stock regularly.
  5. When the rice is cooked, add the grated cheese as a final touch.
  6. Leave to rest for a few minutes to allow the cheese to melt and give your risotto an even creamier appearance.

Tapenade slices


  • for 4/6 people.


  • Preparation 10 minutes


  • 1 baguette or country loaf
  • Pack of green and black olives
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière black olive tapenade
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière green olive tapenade


  1. Cut a baguette or country loaf into slices and place them in the oven under the grill.
  2. Take them out when they’re toasted and spread them with Maison Rivière green or black tapenade.
  3. You can use any of the products in the delights range to add colour to your aperitif selection!
  4. Offer your guests these tapenade toasties as an aperitif! For decoration, place an olive the same colour as the tapenade on each toastie.

Rabbit burger with black olive tapenade


  • For 3 people


  • Preparation 45 minutes
  • Cooking 30 minutes


  • 1 kg of saddle of rabbit meat
  • 6 burger buns
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 40g of roasted pine nuts
  • 15cl of olive oil
  • 5cl of white balsamic vinegar
  • 150g of single cream
  • Curly endive leaves
  • 20g of lemon thyme
  • Salt and pepper
  • 90g jar of Maison Rivière black olive tapenade


  1. Pour the onions into a salad bowl.
  2. Finely chop the chives then peel and dice the tomatoes.
  3. Crush the pine nuts and place all these ingredients in the salad bowl, adding the olive oil
  4. Add salt, pepper and the white balsamic vinegar.
  5. Cut the saddles of rabbit into small pieces and blend them in the mixer.
  6. Mix the rabbit meat with the shallots, the finely chopped lemon thyme and the beaten whole egg.
  7. Make the steaks and leave them to cool.
  8. Whip the single cream up Chantilly-style then gently blend in the Maison Rivière black olive tapenade.
  9. Cook the rabbit steaks on a low heat.
  10. Spread the cream/tapenade mix on the burger bun bases then place the curly endive leaves on top, followed by the cooked rabbit steaks. Finally, cover the burgers with the tops of the buns.
  11. Serve with chips or carrots to make the burger more filling !